Concerned for the many poor children in their home city of Tenkasi, India, who were not being educated, our friends Swarna and Thirumalai began St. John’s Christian School in 1996. Their goal was to bring the message of love, hope, and salvation in Jesus Christ to poor Hindu and Muslim children and through them to their families. The school started with a few children and has grown to 800 students.
Now they have discovered another need: Hundreds of thousands of poor students in the state of Tamilnadu, South India, who, although they attend school, face great difficulty in getting an adequate education. Because many of the parents are non-literate, they are not able to help their children with their schoolwork at home. To assist these children, Jesus India Christian Schools would like to start Tuition Centers in rural areas.
About 30 to 40 students will attend each Tuition Center from grades one to twelve. Children will come for classes three or four days a week where they will be tutored and have an opportunity to hear the Gospel. The classes will begin with prayer and Bible classes will be held at least once a week.
A large room or a small house will be rented, and at least two Christian teachers will be hired from nearby towns for each center. Funds are needed to cover rent, remuneration for teachers, electricity charges, drinking water, snacks for the students after Bible classes, writing boards and other miscellaneous expenses such as pens and notebooks.
Thirumalai and Swarna would like to start five Tuition Centers this academic year with the expectation that, over time, these centers will be self-sustaining.
With your help we hope to raise $10,000 to start the Tuition Centers.
Alec D. Brooks